Appendix B. Standard S-Registers

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Appendix B. Standard S-Registers

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S0 - Auto-Answer Ring Count


This register, when set to a number greater than zero, will enable support for answering incoming connections on the TCP port specified by the S1008 register.  When an incoming connection is received, COM/IP will output a single RING message, followed by a CONNECT message.  COM/IP will switch to online mode and the COM port will be connected to the remote host.



S2 - Escape Sequence Character


This register will hold the ASCII value of the escape character.  The escape sequence will be a period of silence, as defined in S12, followed by three escape characters, followed by another period of silence.  This will cause COM/IP to switch from online mode to command mode while a connection is open.


The default is 43 (the + character).



S3 - Carriage Return Character


This register will hold the ASCII value of the carriage return.  The default is 13.



S4 - Line Feed Character


This register will hold the ASCII value of the line feed.  The default is 10.



S5 - Backspace Character


This register will hold the ASCII value of the backspace.  The default is 8.



S12 - Escape Sequence Guard Time


This register will hold the value of the silence period required when issuing an escape sequence, in 1/50th of a second increments.  The default value is 50 (1 second).



S95 - Negotiation Progress Messages


This register, when set to anything other than zero, will override the W setting regarding how COM/IP reports connection progress.  The default is 0.


Setting bit 2 of the register will enable the CARRIER message.


Setting bit 3 of the register will enable the PROTOCOL message.


Setting bit 5 of the register will enable the COMPRESSION message.



S100 - RING Message Interval


This register will specify (in 1/10th second units) the interval between RING messages issued to the application when a connection is received.  After nine RING messages, COM/IP will stop and close the incoming connection.


The default value is 29 (2.9 seconds).




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